E-Cigs are a type of Vaporizer
Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigs, have seen significant increases in popularity over the past decade. The speedy growth of this industry has not been without controversy, associated primarily with the vast amount of uncertainty that people attach to any new device, activity, or lifestyle.
Electronic cigarettes are not that much different from a conventional vaporizer that is frequently used by so many. It is easiest to understand by thinking of an e-cig as merely a battery that powers a heating chamber. The heating chamber can be one that is designed to heat a variety of substances such as dry herbs, wax pens, and more. E-Cigs contain a heating chamber that is specifically designed for various oils and e-juice, with and without nicotine.
The actual process of vaporizing is pretty simple. The primary goal is to heat the substance just below its point of combustion. The temperature you are aiming for will commonly be 392 degrees Fahrenheit. If an element is heated past this temperature and combusts, a laundry list of harmful components gets released into the smoker's body. Nearly all of the health issues linked to carcinogens and tar in the respiratory system can be avoided by only heating the substances to just below the combustion point through the vaporization used by pens and e-cigs.
E-Cig Vaporizer
We have already discussed that e-cigs are battery-operated vapes, but there is so much more that goes into the process. E-cigs vaporize the contained substance, often non-nicotine solutions, to be inhaled by the user. Studies have shown that this smokeless alternative to classic smoking methods significantly reduces the health risks commonly associated with smoking.
The original patent of a smokeless cigarette was initially brought to market in 1963 by a man named Herbert A. Gilbert but did not receive widespread cultural appeal until the year 2003. A pharmacist from China by the name of Hon Lik is credited for designing this modern-day rendition of the E-cig, which now sees over 450 unique brands on the market today.
There are many different designs and looks when choosing an E-cig to use, but they all share a handful of conventional systems and parts:
E-Liquid or E-Juice - This is the actual substance that will be vaporized in an e-cig vape, and it will likely be an extract mixed with propylene glycol (the same material used in inhalers).
The Battery – The most important part to operate, they are usually rechargeable, cylindrical batteries that power the E-cig atomizer coil. Their typical, elongated shape gives them the look of a conventional cigarette.
Atomizer – This is where you load the various vape juice options that exist. The battery then powers this part of the device, and a heating element heats the vape juice just below the point of combustion, causing it to vaporize and create vapors.
Mouthpiece – This vape part is screwed or connected in some way to one end of e-cig vape, usually at the end of its cylindrical tube opposite the battery. The mouthpiece and vape cartridges are often built together as one component, and they can sometimes be refilled with more e-juice when they run out, or replaced with a different pre-filled and disposable cartridge.
Dry Herb Vaporizers vs. E-Cigs
Some devices are designed to heat substances in their raw forms, such as buds or dry leaves. These are known as dry herb vaporizers, and they have a few noticeable differences from a common E-cig.
Humans have burned dry herbs for centuries. Different herbs all provide value to the use of meditation or medical purposes. Wide varieties of flowers can be dehydrated and crushed, to be used in a vape pen to be inhaled.
This method differs from vaping as this brings the actual flower or herb to a point just below combustion compared to E-cigs that brings extracts and concentrates of similar substance to the same temperature.
If you prefer dry herb vapes versus some sort of e-juice or oil concentrate, you will need a vaporizer pen specifically for dry herbs. Both e-cigs and dry herb vapes can be found affordable, however, they usually are not interchangeable and they operate in completely different ways.
Wax Vape Pens vs. E-Cigs
Vaporizing wax concentrates is another viable method, though it shares many common differences with the E-cig as do other ways. Variations such as the substance consumed, heating temperatures, and loading process should all be regarded when deciding which method is right for you. By in large, E-cigs are hassle-free where wax vapes offer more customization options but require far greater upkeep to maintain.
Wax is very sticky and not the easiest to load, whereas e-cigs often come pre-filled with no hassle. Wax pens will utilize an atomizer coil system to heat the wax. These coils will eventually get gummed up and will need to be replaced. Though this is a popular method for many smokers, oil pens, and e-cigs are the preferred method for those who value convenience and ease of use.
Oil Vapes vs. E-Cigs
Extracts and oils have seen an explosive rise in popularity over the past decade. With new advances in technology and designs, users have had more power over their experience with the substance than ever before.
There are a wide variety of different oils that are all derived from the cannabis flower and is processed down into a concentrated form. They are all meant to be inhaled and enjoyed by the user; each type of these extracts is unique. Different varieties of oils include Hemp/CBD oils, vape oils, Tinctures, Ingestible oil capsules, dry herb concentrates, and more.
It is important to remember that oil vape pens are almost identical to E-cigs in terms of construction and design. Ultimately they are the same but to get technical you can differentiate with what you are vaping as e-cigs usually reference vape oils with nicotine and oil vape pens are usually various dry herb concentrates. Do your due diligence when selecting which method of enjoyment is right for you.
Box Mod Vape vs. E-Cig
One of the most potent and most customizable vaporizer units will be the box mod vape. Their large battery packs will give you more extended usage compared to a standard E-cig, and like the oil vape pens mentioned above, outside of the battery, they are designed to do the same thing. And on the plus side, these are often seen as the most environmentally friendly, as they need the least amount of disposable material to still achieve maximal enjoyment from them.
These larger box mod devices can be equipped with interchangeable atomizers, vape tanks, pre-filled cartridges and more. They have controls that give the user alternating levels of intensity for customizing the hits. They work in the same way as other vaporizers, by heating the substance just below the point of combustion with the added benefit of having precise control of the exact temperature being output by the unit.
Box Mods tend to be on the pricier side versus some more basic vape pens, but mods are well worth the investment if you plan on vaping for an extended period. The SteamCloud Box Mod is our go-to device for beginners and avid vapers alike. They are more expensive than pens or rigs but will pay dividends in the long run. These devices have seen a rise in popularity over the years. Because of this rise in popularity, a respectably large scene has grown around its culture. These devices are responsible for the considerable vapor cloud tricks videos and competitions seen on sites like YouTube.
3 in 1 Vape Pen vs. E-Cig
While most vaporizers are designed only to handle a single substance (be it wax, oils, or dry herb), some vapes are designed to handle all three. These devices are sometimes referred to as a 3-in-1 vape pen or a multi-use pen.
These pens operate in the same way as any other common vape pen or e-cig, but they are designed with the ability to vaporize anything from dry herbs to wax dabs, vape juice and more. They usually do this by having a detachable heating chamber or coil area for each type of product you want to vape. These are great devices for those looking into vaping more than just a vape juice or dry herb in one device.
Disposable E-Cigarettes
No smoking device or apparatus has been more in the spotlight over the past half-decade than the disposable e-cig. These are likely the devices that come to mind when you imagine what an e-cig looks like.
Most vapes and e-cigs will eventually need to be refilled once the e-liquid or juice has run out. Disposable e-cigs are different in the fact that they are designed for one-time use, to be thrown away after that. Those who are environmentally conscious should be mindful of the footprint that is left by disposable e-cigs. We recommend reaching for something like a box mod vape with a replaceable e-juice attachment which can be filled manually when it runs out.
Unlike almost any other device, disposable cigarettes offer next to no customization options as well. Dry herb and wax vapes will allow for temperature control options and different control variants to adapt the device to your unique experience. Disposable pens do not.
What they do offer is absolute convenience of a one and one, which often is all you need. That is likely why they have skyrocketed in popularity, and continue to be the face of e-cigarettes even after the advancements in technology over the past few years.