Anyone who has ever vaped at too hot a temperature will know that it’s no joke. Like drinking a coffee that’s too hot or eating a potato chip that goes down the breathing hole, taking an uber-hot vape hit is off-putting and would be better off avoided.
Thankfully, in this wonderful day and age, vaping technology is constantly improving to make your vaping experience better and better.
Smiles all round.
Lots of new vape mods have Temperature Control (TC) that automatically adjusts the power output of the battery in order to maintain a steady temperature.
Not only is TC far safer way of vaping but it is actually far more enjoyable, allowing you to take longer drags to pump out those big oh’s you’ve always wanted to do.
However, although the TC adjusts the power output to stabilise the temperature -- there are some changes you have to make to your vape in order to pick a temperature that is safe and works for you.
In general, it is quite easy to figure out what the ideal temperature of vape is. Picking a correct temperature in TC mods is actually fairly systematic and can be easily deduced from two simple factors: personal preference and coil/wire type.
Alternative wattage-based models use guesswork since it doesn’t measure temperature and react to temperature changes. A rule of thumb with wattage control is just simply to make sure that you refill your vape before it gets too hot, avoiding the wick burning out.
This article will give you a brief insight on how TC works and a guide on how to pick a temperature that suits you.
In order to know which temperature to pick and how temperature control works, first you need to understand a little bit about how vaping works!
For those of you that know the science of vaping, feel free to skip a little bit!
How does vape work? (brief and rudimentary guide)
Inside your vape is a metal coil. Around the coil is cotton. The cotton is drenched in vape juice. A current (electricity) passed from the battery at the bottom through the coil when you press the main button. The metal coil heats up and conducts heat to the cotton around it, turning the juices embedded in the cotton into a vapour which are sucked up by you.
Different metals and metal alloys can be used as the coil. Each of these heats up at predictably different amounts due to the different amount of resistance within the metals.
You don’t really need to know the details of why this is the case but it is just a fact that the properties of the atoms within the metal coil - such as their size.
On the market today, there are 5 metals which are used as coils: kanthal, nichrome, stainless steel, nickel and titanium. Most people prefer stainless steel -- the material which is used in braces, pipes, pans and bowls and lots of other ordinary household items, meaning that lots of people trust putting it in their mouth as well as heating it up.
Importantly, only stainless steel, nickel and titanium should be used with temperature control.
How does vape work? (brief and rudimentary guide)
Inside your vape is a metal coil. Around the coil is cotton. The cotton is drenched in vape juice. A current (electricity) passed from the battery at the bottom through the coil when you press the main button. The metal coil heats up and conducts heat to the cotton around it, turning the juices embedded in the cotton into a vapour which are sucked up by you.
Different metals and metal alloys can be used as the coil. Each of these heats up at predictably different amounts due to the different amount of resistance within the metals.
You don’t really need to know the details of why this is the case but it is just a fact that the properties of the atoms within the metal coil - such as their size.
On the market today, there are 5 metals which are used as coils: kanthal, nichrome, stainless steel, nickel and titanium. Most people prefer stainless steel -- the material which is used in braces, pipes, pans and bowls and lots of other ordinary household items, meaning that lots of people trust putting it in their mouth as well as heating it up.
Importantly, only stainless steel, nickel and titanium should be used with temperature control.
How does Temperature Control work and how to use it?
There are many different mods of TC vape. All TC vapes display temperature on the screen. Some allow you to adjust the wattage manually and get back to a temperature favourable to you while others make you input a preset temperature (which should be related to the coil you’re using)
These mods then automatically change power to keep the coil at a set temperature, ensuring that the cotton does not start to heat up too much.
The best temperature for vaping e-juices
With many vapes, you can alter the settings with reference to the name of the metal you are using. For example, if you were using a steel coil, you would pick “steel” for example (even though it is normally a more scientific name).
If you pick the correct metal, it will automatically give the battery boundaries -- making sure that it does not produce too little or too much power.
However, some vapes may not have preset settings relating to particular metals. If this is the case, you will need to adjust your vape manually in order to instruct your vape about which temperature to secure.
Finding the perfect temperature boundaries
Common vaping temperatures are in the range 392°F to 480°F (200°C to 250°C ), with the temperature usually adjusted quickly in increments of 10°F (5°C).
If you choose the wrong temperature this could damage your coil!
Below is a shortlist of instructions about what temperature you should use depending on the materials… These are based on other people’s experience with vaping these materials but should not necessarily be used as gospel.
Find the vaping temperature that is ideal for you. How you use vape juice is totally personal - it is up to you if you want to burn your mouth, cool your mouth down or have a nice luke-warm vape.
We would, of course, recommend that you stay within the middle range.
The ideal temperature for stainless steel?
SS works in high power modes, meaning that you could keep your vape at a much higher temperature. It does not get damaged by these high temperatures as it is an incredibly durable material.
In nerdy terms, oxidation of the SS wires/coil requires massive temperatures
This means that if you enjoy a really hot vape, stainless steel may be ideal for you.
Of course, this isn’t really going to appeal to you if you’re conservative with your vape juice. You’re probably going to be a lot less bothered about operating at really high temperatures if this is the case.
The ideal temperature for a nickel vape?
Nickel has often been attacked online for having a lower resistance (meaning that it struggles to operate at higher temperatures). As you increase the temperature to the upper level, using Nickel can become dangerous as it releases some dangerous toxic oxide chemicals.
However, Nickel is easier to control and that’s why people still use it - making for a safer vape.
Also, if you have an automatic TC system, nickel can be used safely as it should stick to the middle/lower end of the ideal temperature range.
Therefore, Ideally, if you have a nickel vape, you are best off sticking in the middle/lower end of the temperature range.
Ideal temperature for titanium?
Titanium or Ti on the periodic table is considered to be the middle ground for vaping. It has a low resistivity, meaning you can build exciting coils that taste insane.
Titanium has its drawbacks though. Although it is really durable, at high temperatures Titanium coils can give off Titanium Dioxie meaning that it is better to avoid really high temperatures with a titanium coil.
How to get a cooler vape hit? (or more consistent)
When you take a drag of your vape it will register an increase in wattage and relative increase in temperature and display it on the vape.
If you vape is automatic… the wattage will then change as the temperature increases or decreases (depending on the amount of juice in the vape) in order to maintain a stable temperature that you previously selected.
Alternatively, if your vape is manual… it may offer the option to adjust the power manually in response to the temperature change.
Why would you want a higher or lower temperature?
Think to yourself, what is the difference between a warm brownie and a cold brownie. Also, imagine the difference between warm fruit and cold fruit. Depending on the flavour , the entire experience of vaping is changed by changes in temperature. Some flavours of ejuice are drastically affected - in a bad way, while others may come to life with the addition of temperature.
With vaping a lot of it is about trying new things -- provided that you’re not putting yourself in danger.
Overall Temperature Control is such a vital part of vaping. Without TC, if your vape is running out of juice the power is left unchanged the cotton would start to heat up more or even burn.
This is something that wattage based vapers may experience quite a lot as the power does not change and the temperature continues to rise!